How to Help:

A Non-Political Solution

The solution is simply to enable emergency communication in the Growler Valley of Cabeza Prieta.

Issues surrounding the border region are often politicized. Cell towers however are beneficial for everyone and immune to politics and. By improving access to emergency services, we aim to reduce the number of heat-related deaths and assist local authorities to respond more effectively to emergencies.

An increasing percentage of migrant bodies are found with cell phones/accessories.

The Cell Tower Solution

The cornerstone of our mission is the installation of two small cell towers strategically located in the North and South of the Growler Valley. These towers will:

  • Provide critical cell coverage in remote areas with little to no signal.

  • Enable individuals in distress to call for help before it’s too late.

  • Support all law enforcement, The Air Force and search and rescue teams such as Aguilas Del Desierto, Battalion, The Blue Armadillos, No More Deaths, Ajo Samaritans and Humane Borders etc., in finding and helping those in danger.

  • Create a safer environment for all who travel through the desert.

  • This project is a simple yet life-saving solution that can significantly reduce the risk of heat-related deaths in the Cabeza Prieta Desert by an estimated 90%.

Two cell towers provide excellent cell coverage in Growler Valley with cell reception above -97 dB.

Progress Summary

CPR has made significant progress in its mission to reduce hyperthermia deaths in the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge through:

  • Data Collection: Secured a comprehensive database of migrant deaths with assistance from Humane Borders and the Pima County Medical Examiner, highlighting the critical need for cellular coverage in remote areas.

  • Coverage Assessment: Conducted a cellular coverage analysis with DW Tower and obtained infrastructure quotes from Sunwest Engineering for potential Cell on Wheels (COW) installations.

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Held meetings with Congressman Grijalva’s office, Border Patrol, land managers, and search and rescue groups to build support. Contacted AT&T and Verizon regarding carrier partnerships.

  • Search & Rescue: Participated in rescue missions with Águilas del Desierto and the Armadillos to understand the challenges faced by migrants firsthand.

  • Infrastructure Improvement: Collaborated with Cabeza Prieta NWR to assess and repair the non-working Charlie Bell Well, resulting in a new pump installation.

Remaining Challenges for the Project

Getting the word out is ongoing and very important. The massive number of deaths in Cabeza Prieta has been underreported. Therefore, we created this website and will soon release a documentary film:

We are producing both a trailer and full-length documentaries titled “Death in the Growler Valley”. They are coming out soon and will help raise visibility.

We strongly need to have a carrier such as AT&T or Verizon supply the electronic infrastructure including backhaul and an interface with the COWs.

Obtain Congressman Grijalva’s support (District 7) to overcome bureaucratic resistance at the two COW locations. Tower 1 is on Luke Air Force Base property and Tower 2 is near a Border Patrol base called Camp Grip. This is on “The Devil’s Highway” on the southern part of Cabeza Prieta.

Obtain permits and perform all paperwork as needed to install the two Towers.

Obtain the funding to pay for the Two COWs including their radios and power supplies.

Contact Us if you want to help or just have questions.